Sunday, November 9, 2014

Act 3

On to radiation. You know? I was so apprehensive about how this procedure would work. Again, fear of the unknown.

A few days ago I went in for my dress rehearsal. I zipped up to the hospital after work, quite anxious. All the radiology girls were awesome. The Girls of Room 2. They said the table I would be stretched out on would be a bit uncomfortable. I was perfectly happy. After being on my feet for 8+ hours at work this sliding table, or should I say bed, felt like heaven. I even dozed off while they did their measuring.

They were speaking a scientific radiology language I totally did not understand. It was kind of funny. I thought to myself, whoa. They were talking about me in front of my back and I didn’t understand a word. They drew on me with sharpie markers, graphing out exactly how the radiation beams would hit me. Then they put a nice warm blanket on me and left the room to consult the computers. I promptly took a nap.

When they returned I was given 6 teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy tattoos. No butterflies or hearts. Bummer. So tiny I can hardly distinguish them from a freckle. Oh well. These are guideline markers. Oh, technology.

I met with the radiology nurse therapist. I had questions. Don’t I always? After she picked my brain about books, I picked hers about side effects. What to expect. She said some sunburn soreness. I was ok with that. I said I had more creams and potions than CVS. She said I would be tired. Then she told me with my crazy work schedule, I might not even notice. Good point. The only time I’m NOT tired is when I’m doing a gig. Performing=Energy.

I’m so ready for this. 6 weeks of radiation. Monday through Friday. It sounds ominous but I want to do it and be done with it. The pros and cons are pretty much equal. Driving to the hospital every day is a drag. BUT. The hospital is across from the mall. Oh Sephora. Oh Macy’s. Oh Nordstrom. On second thought, this might be a con as well!!

Punk hair! It's growing in super fast.
I’ll let you all know how it goes. And now for a little online sleuthing. I need to know what’s on sale at Macy’s!