Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Moving right along....

And so, as we near the end of 2014, I have 3 radiation therapy sessions remaining, the last one on December 31.

Nothing involving cancer treatment is enticing. However. Radiation has been a blast. Ok, let me rephrase that. It’s been really uplifting.

The Reindeer: Tamara, Lauren and Stephanie
Chemotherapy sessions were relaxing but the after effects were horrendous. In contrast, radiation therapy has been, well, kind of fun. OK. Really fun. I see the same 3 to 5 girls every day. We joke, we laugh, they draw designs on my boob. Sharpie markers are a bitch to get off but it’s worth it.

Side effects are minimal. I’m red like a lobster. Sunburn central. It doesn’t hurt but it can be annoying. It itches. Scratching my boob is kind of crass. Especially in my line of work.

All the medical folk and WebMD said I should be really tired. Exhausted. Well, I kind of am. Oh wait. Let’s see. Radiation, work, band practice, 6 maximum hours of sleep. Yup. I guess that would qualify me as tired. Is it the radiation? Hard to say.

Let's ditch the grey

A work in progress..
My hair is growing in. I decided to go red but it came out a bit lighter than I wanted. This is an easy fix. Everyone has a critique. Go lighter, go darker, go longer, keep it short. I’ll figure it out eventually. For now I’m just happy it’s growing!

So what happens next? This is a good question which I’ll learn the answer to in a few weeks. Stay tuned for the next installment.

Happy holidays and happy New Year to all. Here's to 2015!!