Sunday, July 20, 2014

When Is It Time to Feel Normal?

It’s been 3 weeks since my last chemo spa session. I confess, I’m still not back to normal. But what is normal?

I know that it will take a while for my body to build itself back up. I know that it will take months before my hair starts to make an appearance. I know Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Yes, I’ve been doing closet cleaning and reorganizing. If I’m going to be in the house I may as well be productive. A new thrift shop opened in town and I’ve got bags of clothes waiting to be delivered.

There are other things to be considered as well. I need to see the dentist. It’s been a year. I was told no dental appointments while on chemo. I also need to have my eyes examined. I can see fine with my glasses if I’m looking at something across the room. Otherwise it’s squinting or ditching the glasses. Squinting isn’t a good option.

Wine in Trieste
I also need a glass of good red wine. No wine or beer or any kind of alcohol while on chemo. Chemo is over. Not that I’m a big drinker. But a nice glass of wine will be much appreciated.

MacArthur High
In two weeks I’m going to my 40th high school reunion. Gasp. 40 years. How scary is that? The reunion is in New York in the town where I grew up. I’ll be seeing people I haven’t seen in 40 years. I’ll be seeing people I didn’t even know in high school. Our class was something over 500 and maybe 60 of us will be at the reunion. We’re making a weekend of it. I wanted to lose a ton of weight, have my hair look perfect etc. etc. But the reality of it all is that I’m happy just to be going. To be healthy enough to enjoy the experience. One thing I don’t have to worry about is my hair frizzing. There’s always a silver lining!

Every day I’m feeling my energy renew. It’s about 50% right now. But in a few weeks I’ll be at 100%.

100%. Now that’s awesome!

Home town (Wantagh)

1 comment:

  1. YOU'RE awesome Ellen! And who are you kidding - you were never "normal" to begin with - that's why we all love you!!! xoxo
